Class Dispatch to David
From: Ethan and Robbie
January 24, 2024
Jim Swotch came in!
– expert in long-distance communication and impact on environment
- submarinecablemap.com
- current submarine cable map
- vast majority of telecommunications are still submarine cables
- not just telecommunications statements?
- “American Progress” painting, John Gast
- image of woman in art of progress/expansion
- laying of telegraph cable across west
- “Erdapfel,” Martin Behaim
- oldest surviving terrestrial globe
- International Time Zones established because of global telegraphy
- possible to coordinate clocks in 1850s/60s
- 1851 cartoon celebrating UK/France cable across English Channel
- Original term for cable layers were “projectors”
- you would “project” cable across the ocean
- “The development of the world is dependent on communication” C.G. Tietgen
- Danish businessman funding International Telegraph Company
- from same place as Hans Christian Andersen
- belief linked with rise in global capitalism/national power
- what we should do is gather and marshall resources
- U.S.S. Niagra
- largest ship in Navy at time
- one of first attempts to lay international cable (only lasted few weeks)
- in conjunction with squadron of ships- largest U.S. Navy project in b/w Revolutionary War and Civil War
- run by Navy people but cable-layers were private employees of companies laying cables
- British side were civilians not military ships
- overwhelmingly funded by private capitalists (Cyrus Field)
- similar to East India company
- supported by gov. but largely private enterprise
- similar to East India company
- Still cable-layers to this day- still months-long process
- Image of Atlantic Cable with Poseidon in Rotunda in U.S. Capitol Dome
- Seward calling this more important than Civil War for the future
- Things you can do with cables
- futures markets
- weather forecasts (knowing how weather moves)
- export soft power products
- The Great Eastern
- Each holding tank is the size of Drury Lane Theatre auditorium
- several holding tanks for what would span the entire North Atlantic
- Each holding tank is the size of Drury Lane Theatre auditorium
- Guuta-Percha
- invaluable component for insulating wires
- only known natural insulator
- UK had monopoly on Guuta-Percha until WWI when other synthetic coatings developed
- controlled Malaysia where it naturally grew
- also used for dental fillings and inside of golf balls
- Not really like email- only ~1% ever really sent a telegraph
- mostly businesses/governments
- Western Union sold pre-written messages for Americans to send to Charles Lindbergh after landing across the Atlantic
- First thing you do in war is you cut the cables
- akin to modern-day DDOS attacks
- most important sites in war are telegraph landing stations and coaling (fueling) stations for ships
- Cecil Rhodes (1892)
- British
- built telegraph/railroad network in Africa “from Cape Town to Cairo”
- founded Rhodes Scholarship
- Effects of Telegraphy in Far West United States
- subjugating/attacking Native Americans as surveillance system
- DC gets a report every time someone leaves reservation
- weather report stations built
- time zones and longitude and latitude become important
- subjugating/attacking Native Americans as surveillance system
- Messages Being Sent for Sound Montage
- first couple decades really slow
- if you got 10 words/min going really fast
- sinking of the Titanic (SOS distress signals)
- propaganda from across the world
- first couple decades really slow
- Global Communication standardizes and homogenizes several things
- SOS distress signals
- time zones
- longitude and latitude
Animal Presentations
Carter was a whale
- His voice was very big!
- Evolved from land dwellers
- Uses his powerful tail
- Goes up and down
- predator – pesky orca
- Carter called line several times
- Whales have to surface to breathe
- Cannot see nor smell well
- BUT can sing and hear for hundreds of miles!
- Uses voice to sense world around me
- There’s been a pervasive drone from humans that annoy him
- Eat up to 4 tons of krill per day
- Using a baline system
- Blubber can keep him warm for any climate
- They can outswim an orca!
- Can swim fast in short bursts but will get very tired
Rachel was an orca
- Some people think of her as a killer whale
- But she’s not!
- Very smart and enthusiastic
- A matriarchal society
- Have pods
- Pods speak in the same dialect
- Can be caught to do tricks
- Breath from blow hole looks like vapor
- On a hunt, orcas can slow their heart rate for ten minutes
- First she circles her prey
- 4 inch long fangs
- Will play with their prey first
- Directionality is with pectoral fins
- Tails accelerate and decelerate
Robbie was a giant squid
- used umbrella with hanging strands of paper to be giant squid puppet
- finding how to mimic movement of animals that “pulse” (jellyfish, squid, etc.)
Matthew was a conger eel
- Lives in a cave
- Moves through undulation
- Uses hunting and bottom feeding
- Feeds on dead animal matter
- Will pounce for prey
- Largest eel by weight
- Grow up to 2 meters long
- Very flexible
- Maybe two colors on either side of the costume to remove one leg?
- A lot of movement ideas
*difference between the charismatic nature of mammals who humans find beautiful
The more hidden, reserved nature of creatures that live in the deep sea
- Natural seascape sounds
- Deon played sounds that you would regularly hear in the ocean
- We embodied our animals, with the surface dwellers on SL and the bottom dwellers on SR
- There was little interaction, not much predation
- Anthropogenic sounds
- Deon then played sounds that are produced by humans
- There was more action between the creatures, with some predation and some surface dwellers seeing how far down they could dive